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The biggest ITF Taekwon-do and Continuous Kickboxing event in Western Canada! Join us on April 26th & 27th for the 2024 Fire & Ice Championships at Servus Place in St. Albert, Alberta.

during 2022

Shadow Warrior obstacle course & board Breaking

This event takes place Saturday April 27th from 9am-12pm. Our Shadow Warriors race in the coolest ninja obstacle course and finish with board breaking!

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Show us your technique! Blue, Red and Black Belt Patterns will compete on Friday April 26th starting at 6:00PM. White to Blue Stripe Patterns will compete on Saturday April 27th.

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White Belt to Black Belt Athletes will compete in Sparring on Saturday April 27th.

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Team Green Kickboxing Division

Kickboxing division will begin at 12pm (approx) after the Shadow Warrior Obstacle Course is finished and cleaned up. The divisions will be sorted at the on-deck by age, gender, experience and size. This event is for beginner and intermediate athletes.

How do I register?

All Phoenix Taekwon-do athletes are pre-registered for this event. If you must unregister for any reason, please fill out the opt out form below.

Team Green Kickboxing Athletes must fill out a registration form at the front desk.

If you are from another club, please register with your instructor!

If you are an independent athlete, please email [email protected] to register. 

Can't make it to the best event of the year?

Phoenix Taekwon-do Students are AUTO ENROLLED in this event, so if for some reason you absolutely cannot make it, you MUST opt out using this online form no later than April 14th. 

We need your help!
Sign up to volunteer!

Need more information? Contact us